Frustration with Research

Dec 11, 2008 13:01

As many of you know, I am currently working on paper from my sexuality class and my chosen topic is on pornography and aggression. The paper consists of a literature review and then I design an experiment. So, I am doing my lit review and I come across this study on the effect of alcohol and pornography on aggression. This line struck me:

"Moreover, studies comparing rapists to other men
have fairly consistently found that rapists, on
average, have a greater sexual response to nonconsensual
sex depictions than do non-offenders,
indicating that sexual arousal to coercive stimuli
may motivate some men towards sexually aggressive

Does anyone else see a problem with this statement? Look again.

Which comes first: the rape or the rape depiction? Therefore, which causes the other?

The worst part is, the paper goes on...

"Because sexual arousal to violent sexual stimuli
predicts increased sexual aggression likelihood,
discriminates between rapists and non-rapists,
and plays a prominent role in models of sexual
aggression [Barbaree and Marshall, 1991], a better
understanding of factors that influence sexual
arousal to violent pornography is warranted."

I'm sorry, when did you prove any of that? This is why sociology is not considered to be a real sciene. You have crap like this being accepted as truth. Oh and for the record, I have yet to find a strong causal link between pornography consumption and aggression. If you have one, please let me know.
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