Оригинал взят у
kardiologn в
Грифоны Cimitile, S. Felice, pluteo con grifoni affrontati B
Grifi con testa di leone. Breslavia, Architektury Muz B
Lotta fra due grifoni e un orso. San Casciano a Settimo B
Monastero di Hosios Lukas, particolare dell'epistilio B
Lastra con grifi, Museo Correale di Terranova, Sorrento B
Pluteo con grifo alla coppa, Bominaco, S. Pellegrino B
Griffons, détail de la basilique romaine de Notre Dame du Port, Clermont Ferrand, Auvergne, France - Classé en 1998 par l'UNESCO, comme patrimoine mondial B
MAMJODH Griffo cloître de Moissac, Tarn et Garonne B
Enn' Detail of one of the superb Romanesque capitals in the cloister of Cefalu's Duomo.
The cloister has been under restoration for some years and currently only half of the original structure is to be seen on the south and west sides of the former cloister quadrangle, the north and east walks having been completely dismantled B
Aidan McRae Thomson REVILLA DE SANTULLAN Palencia B
canduela RETORTILLO - Cantabria.B
canduela Lund, cathedral B
groenling Souvigny, Prieuré St.-Pierre, calendar, detail B
groenling Hamersleben, Sachsen-Anhalt, Stiftskirche St. Pankratius, capital B
groenling Parma Baptistery, Friezes (ornamental bands) B
renzodionigi Gryphon, Exterior Detail, great Hall, Stirling Castle.B
Bebopgirl1969 Abbatiale Sainte-Foy de Conques (Aveyron). Modillon du chevet, griffon dans la frise de billettes.
Jaufré Rudel Abbatiale Sainte-Foy de Conques. Chapiteau du cloître B
Jaufré Rudel Castelvieil (Gironde). Chapiteau du portai B
Jaufré Rudel Abbaye de Fontevraud (Maine-et-Loire). Chapiteau du portail B
Jaufré Rudel Capitell en forma de griu persa, Persèpolis Homa griffin (column's capital), Persepolis, Iran.B
Sebastià Giralt ca. 1329 - 'Vilardell slays a griffin', Portal de Sant Iu, Catedral, Barcelona, Spain B
roelipilami Grifone della cattedrale di Ruvo di Puglia / Griffon of the cathedral of Ruvo di Puglia.
pingendiartifex Relief carving on a stone tympanum, parish church of Charney Bassett, near Faringdon.
Giles C. Watson