so a few days ago I drew this and I said I was gonna neat it up and stuff in some way or other but then some stuff happened and I don't think I am going to because going back to it with the intention of neating it up now makes me want to stab my eyes out a lil bit BUT i thought i would share it anyway because I think it's funny. MAYBE ONE DAY IN THE FUTURE I WILL NEAT IT UP idk.
anyway you PROBABLY CAN'T READ ALL OF THIS but about the sum of it is that I have always found it completely absurd how everyone is all OMG VALJEAN DO NOT TOUCH THAT FALLEN CART OR YOU WILL DIE and okay I don't care if there is in fact a legitimate reason for this I DON'T WANT TO KNOW DON'T SPOIL MY FUN
I am all like UNMOTIVATED for anything that is not drawn in pencil right now, so it might be REQUESTS TIME again later this afternoon idk ......