a story: corpse badger ain't picky

May 24, 2010 00:58

00:25:53 ohm nom nom: i can't think of a story what should it be about
00:26:06 hamdrax: lmao idk 8( YOU DONT HAVE TO TELL ONE IF YOU CNNOT THINK OF ANY <3
00:26:12 ohm nom nom: ffft
00:26:41 hamdrax: UMMM
00:26:46 hamdrax: CORPSE BADGER
00:27:10 ohm nom nom: lmDJLGHFKGJH
00:27:11 ohm nom nom: ok

00:27:21 ohm nom nom: one day corpse badger woke up in his corpse hole
00:27:48 ohm nom nom: to find that the corpse he was sharing it was nearly gone.
00:28:03 ohm nom nom: he had gnawed almost all of it up apart from its left foot, and
00:28:03 ohm nom nom: well
00:28:07 ohm nom nom: corpse badger ain't picky
00:28:15 ohm nom nom: but feet are his least favourite part.
00:28:32 ohm nom nom: he ate up the foot
00:28:35 ohm nom nom: cronch cronch cronch
00:28:55 ohm nom nom: and looked thoughtfully out of his corpse hole at the night sky
00:29:32 ohm nom nom: it was cloudy so there weren't any stars
00:29:41 ohm nom nom: corpse badger was quite keen on stars
00:29:43 ohm nom nom: but he wasn't picky
00:29:51 ohm nom nom: so it didn't bother him that much.
00:30:16 ohm nom nom: what did bother him was that he was fresh out of corpse, which meant it was time to find a new hole
00:30:43 ohm nom nom: so he crawled out of his corpse hole
00:30:48 ohm nom nom: clamber clamber
00:31:23 ohm nom nom: and snuffled through the undergrowth to find a new grave
00:31:37 ohm nom nom: now corpse badger had been living in the graveyard for a really long time
00:31:44 ohm nom nom: and before he had lived there
00:31:53 ohm nom nom: grandma corpse badger had lived there
00:32:00 ohm nom nom: and before grandma corpse badger had lived there
00:32:15 ohm nom nom: great great uncle corpse badger lived there
00:32:30 ohm nom nom: so most of the really old corpses had been corpse-badgered up
00:32:32 ohm nom nom: years ago.
00:33:25 ohm nom nom: grandma corpse badger had always said that older corpses tasted better
00:33:29 ohm nom nom: but corpse badger ain't picky.
00:34:26 ohm nom nom: so as soon as he came to a grave he hadn't been under before, he decided that would have to do.
00:35:17 ohm nom nom: He picked a place to make his hole where not many people would see it, because if anyone knew there was a corpse badger in here, they'd badger-gas him out, and that would be no fun at all.
00:35:43 ohm nom nom: and then he burrowed
00:35:46 ohm nom nom: he burrowed through the soil
00:35:53 ohm nom nom: and he burrowed through the inches-thick concrete
00:35:58 ohm nom nom: and he burrowed through the steel
00:35:59 ohm nom nom: with his big
00:36:00 ohm nom nom: metal
00:36:00 ohm nom nom: hands.
00:36:46 ohm nom nom: and there inside the box was his NEW FRIEND
00:37:49 ohm nom nom: on the grave it said his new friend's name was marianne
00:37:56 ohm nom nom: he ate her face first.
00:39:04 ohm nom nom: after he'd eaten her face he fell asleep outside the box
00:39:13 ohm nom nom: because he was too big to fit in there with marianne
00:39:27 ohm nom nom: the cold metal wasn't as comfortable as the inside of a coffin was
00:39:32 ohm nom nom: but corpse badger ain't picky.
00:39:33 ohm nom nom: THE END

corpse badger ain't picky

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