ramble ramble ramble

Jan 09, 2010 02:04


what's up

I'm feeling pretty shit about mostly everything that isn't XI right now

but I'm feeling pretty awesome about XI, so, idk
(seriously it is fucking swank over there and just keeps getting swanker. It's not perfect but any time I get down or annoyed about bits of it, more cool stuff happens and I'm like yeeeessssssss /rubs face on it)

I would like to apologise though to anyone who is waiting on any manner of drawing from me I keep thinking this is just going to be like one little shitty patch but it's really just been. A shitty year? I can hardly ever get it together to draw anything because I feel like I suck so much but at the same time I know that I'm only going to get better if I draw more so /DEVOURS OWN TAIL


also my tablet kinda broke so there's that.

on the bright side I am starting a weekly drawing class next Tuesday so maybe that will help! I just wish the weather would clear up so I could hit the zoo more often - I went there last week with my mum and it rained horribly on us and I only got about three pages because it was so wet and cold, sob. I was all like NO WE WILL TOTALLY GO TO THE RAINFOREST THING IT IS INDOORS AND WARM IN THERE but once we got there it was shut for remodelling or something ZSL WHY 8(

I still have one half price zoo voucher left and it's only valid til March soooo anyone want that if the weather turns tolerable before then? it's zoo-tastic

uuuh what else do I not feel shit about lately
I do not feel shit about lifting weights in time to It's Raining Men
I could actually do that all day if it wasn't for stupid little things like my arms tiring and stuff
Not even to different songs
just that one, over and over and over

so yeah I guess I just feel shit about drawingfail and not getting out very much and not having any money 8( I guess I had better work on the first one, because if I can get my drawing shit together than I can get more money and then I can afford to get out more, which would be quite nice.

I'd still like to see people more often, though.

drawing, blaaaaah, zoo, shut up

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