So I'm done with Mr. Fox! Which is nice, because it means I don't have to do anyth - oh wait I gotta go pick up
lazynin from London Bridge and then take her to the airport tomorrow morning at an OBNOXIOUS HOUR aaaaaaaa
I want to go to the cinema with
gatty on Monday but I might just have to spend the WHOLE DAY SLEEPING OR SOMETHING
Anyway uh verdict on Fantastic Mr. Fox, yeah.
I'd actually really like to work there. I got really AAAA about it to begin with because I didn't know anyone and was crazy scared of everything and to be honest I still was by the end, but the more I got used to it the more I really loved the atmosphere there and everything. I take a quiet joy in small repetitive tasks anyway so there was something curiously satisfying about making millions and millions of buttons >>; But yeah, everyone was really awesome and really nice, and I was stunned how much Mickey, the one guy who gave me the most stuff to do, seemed to actually care: they have interns all the time and I'd expect them to be more weary of putting up with having to find stuff to occupy students who don't know what they're doing, you know? Mickey is this awesome Swiss guy who paints in moulds and makes some of the smaller armatures and stuff, and he like ... really went out of his way to find stuff for me to do and make sure I didn't choke on noxious fumes or anything. He said, "Always wear a mask. A lot of mould-makers will say fuck that, but I've never seen any elderly mould-makers." bahahaha.
The only reasons I wouldn't like to work there are that the hours are 8am til 7pm, and that if I was actually employed there I'd probably wind up getting fired for doing the Time Warp in a small room full of harmful chemicals. In fact I guess I still would have been in trouble if someone had caught me doing that yesterday but at least I wouldn't have been losing a source of income.
Anyway yeah, they screened the bits of animation they filmed this week at lunchtime yesterday, which ... gave me a better idea, if not by any means a remotely complete one, about what the hell is going on with the storyline. Previously literally all I knew came from the book, whose storyline has been heavily modified for this film, and the puppets of the characters, which confused the hell out of me because so many of them weren't in the book. However - confidentiality forms, I shan't share JUST IN CASE, except to say that I am really kinda looking forward to seeing it when it's eventually finished. That'll be a long way off, but it looks like it's shaping up to be pretty cool. Definitely better than Corpse Bride. Not that that is really that hard, but that was the last animation these guys did. Not their fault it blew, obv., the puppets and animation were very nice, but it still blew.
I still have plastic all over my fingers. O SIGH. Still have not had a chance to play my harp despite the fact that it got moved up to my room on Monday; every time I've wanted to go tune my baby (my giant wooden stringy baby) up I've wound up keeling over and going to sleep. This stuff has worn me out probably a little too much. Maybe Sunday evening, if I'm allowed to spend most of the day sleeping and the plastic has worn off my fingers by then? I hope @__@ I really miss playing.
In vaguely related lame fandomy RP-y time news: Indulging in adoring harpery really makes my Demyx-muse noisier, and he's been really insistent lately too. I don't know whether this means it would be a good idea or a bad idea to find somewhere to app him, but I really, really want to. I've never written a proper application for him anywhere and that's fun in itself!
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