As you probably know, I don't get excited about holidays...holidays to me are STRESS and I don't even have much of a family to celebrate with.
This isn't about Family. This is about Money and Costumes and fulfilling your kids desires. Purim is coming up. This coming Sunday DS will need to go in costume to kindergarten. For a while this year he wanted to be a Pirate, but he recently had a change of heart, he now wants to be a Pilot...but I can't find Pilot costumes.
I've been to two places, Toys 'R Us and Kfar HaShashueem. The latter had a very poor selection. Toy's 'R Us, is EXPENSIVE they all cost 90 - 110 shekels ($25-30) for synthetic crap that can go up in flames and yet no Pilot in sight.
DS doesn't really care too much anyway. That is the impression I get from him.
He recently watched Transformers on You Tube (the cartoon from the 90's) and said he wanted to be a Transformer. It's possible I'll find a Transformer, but I doubt he'll want to wear the mask.
DD is easy. I made her a strawberry hat (true it came out too big). I bought some felt to make a leafy collar. She's going as a Strawberry.