Mar 03, 2009 23:38
Why does DH have a phobia of bathing DD...he's never bathed her, nor did he ever bathe DS.
it's not as if he would be required to jump in to the bath and swim to her rescue.
Why does DH not want to ever wash the bottles? he never washed DS bottles either.
With DD, I have jokingly explained to him how it's done, and then I took the direct approach, I asked ...and still no answer...and I still need to wash them every day.
What ever happened to the husband that can take part in everything with regards to taking care of a baby save for labor and breastfeeding.
He does do other things, but this bottle issue is mind boggling. I could be not feeling well, exhausted, whatever, hell could freeze over...but I need to wash the bottles otherwise they will not get washed!