Aug 25, 2009 07:48
The Destroyer is for fun and entertainment purposes only (especially my own!). No copyright infringement intended.
Many of the characters, situations, and much of the story history in this episode come from Angel the Series and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, shows owned by Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. The rest come from my imagination.
The episode is in television script format and follows Buffyverse television canon. I hope.
Rated PG-13 (for cursing, violence, and ugh...puke).
AtS and BtVS spoilers up through the end of both television shows. "The Destroyer" Season 1 spoilers.
Comments are appreciated!
Summary: Demons are on the verge of turning the Earth into hell, Faith's bookman is keeling over from exhaustion and psychic abuse, and the guy who might possibly have to take point on the whole world-saveage thing decides now's a good time to go to art school.