(no subject)

Jul 20, 2005 14:38

i've been gone in new york for the past three weeks and got back on july 15th--which explains how i deserted livejournal.

i've been going to soccer camp for 6 hours everyday this week and coming home wiped out and aching..but today i didnt  go because i was so worn out. im going to natalies today with the skank..a.k.a. jason, so that should be fun. last night i went to Spartans with rosie and cathy. rosie was talking really loud and she said ''when im tan i look like a dirty mexican''..we look to the left and a family of mexicans are sitting next to us..nice going rosie. haha. we went into Giant and did the usual camera whore/fooling around type thing then cathy's mom drove us all home.

Marital Status] Single.

[Height] 5'7''
[Shoe size] 10

[Parents still together] yes

[Siblings] my brother Brian, whos 19.

[Pets] a dog..i call her Poopy.

[In school/graduated] In school.

[Color] every color..but mostly blue, pink, green, turquoise, black, white, and gray..which is like almost every color.

[Number] 3 and 7

[Animal] dolphins and dogs.

[Drinks] chocolate milkshakes, caramel frappacinos.

[Soda] coke

[Book] chicken soup for the teenage soul, Belle Prater's Boy.

Do you...

[Color your hair?] nope.
[Twirl your hair?] sometimes

[Have tattoos?] Nope.

[Have Piercings?] one in each ear.

[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?] Nope.

[Cheat on tests/homework?] yes, but who hasn't?

[Drink/Smoke?] i've drank, but i dont do it often.

[Like roller coasters?] YES.

[Wish you could live somewhere else?] I'm actually pretty satisfied here.

[Want more piercings?] eh maybe.

[Like cleaning?] sometimes, it can be relaxing depending on what it is.

[Write in cursive or print?] print--my handwriting sucks.

[Sweat a lot?] too much, i'd say.

[Own a web cam?] Nah

[Know how to drive?] no

[Ever get off the damn computer?] occasionally.

Have you ever...
[Been in a fist fight?] yeah but we were just kidding.

[Kicked someone in the nuts?] can't say i have.

[Stolen anything?] no.

[Held a gun?] Nope.

[Drank?] Yes.

[Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name?] No

[Considered a life of crime?] no

[Considered being a hooker?] hmm.. just kidding, no.

[Cried over a girl?] yeah

[Cried over a boy?] yeah, but what girl hasn't?

[Lied to someone?] Yes.

[Been in love?] ehh more like really deep ''like''

[Fallen for your best friend?] yes-we went out but it didnt work.

[Made out with JUST a friend?] Nope.

[Been rejected?] yes..since it's become a pattern, i just hide those kinds of feelings now.

[Been in lust?] i donno.

[Used someone?] no

[Been used?] probably.

[Been cheated on?] Nope.

[Been kissed?] no.. :/

[Experimented with homosexuality?] Nope.

[Current clothing] striped tanktop that i wore to sleep and boxers--im still in my pajamas.

[Current mood] mixed up.

[Current taste?] water.

[What you currently smell like] shampoo and this body spray stuff.

[Current hair] pigtails :D.

[Current thing I ought to be doing] emptying the dishwasher.

[Current cds in stereo] jimmy eat world, breaking benjamin.

[Current crush] dont have one..actually im pretty confused about it.

[Current job] Unemployed.

The last time...
[Last book you read] chicken soup for the teenage soul on love and friendship

[Last movie you saw] sleepover.

[Last thing you ate] chips.

[Last person you talked to on the phone] cathy.

Do you...
[Do drugs?] No.

[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] Yes.

[Play an instrument?] No.

[Believe there is life on other planets?] i think there's the possibility.

[Remember your first love?] I remember my first crush.

[Still love him/her?] no, i actually think they're an asswipe.

[Read the newspaper?] nope.

[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] not that i know of.

[Believe in miracles?] yes

[Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?] yes

[Believe in God?] Yeah.

[Do well in school?] for the most part

[Go to or plan to go to college] Yes.

[Wear hats?] not really..in the winter i wear beanies though.

[Hate yourself?] Sometimes.

[Have an obsession?] Yes.

[Have a secret crush?] Sort of.

[Collect anything?] nothing comes to mind.

[Have a best friend?] yes, more than one.

[Like your handwriting?] no..its shitty.

[Care about looks?] sometimes.

Love life
[First crush] i'm not gonna say.

[single or attached?] What?

[Do you believe in love at first sight?] kind of.

[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?] hahah Yes..good times, good times.

[Are you a tease?] i dont know.

[Shy to make the first move?] the majority of the time

Are you a...

[Wuss] no

[Druggy] no.

[Daydreamer] a big one.

[Freak] i dont know.

[Dork] Sometimes :D

[Bitch/Asshole] if im pissed off, then yes..but EVERYONE can be a bitch sometimes im sure.

[Brat] Nah.

[Sarcastic] sometimes

[Angel] Nope.

[Devil] Nope.

[Shy] when i first meet someone, yes but then i open up more.

[Talkative] yes

[Flirty] heh yeah i'll admit it.

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