Really weird dream last night. Coconut and I were at Six Flags, and apparently we were CIA agents undercover. Before we were allowed into the park, we were briefed on our mission. Somone was loose in the park and going to kill everybody but they were doing it so no one would notice. While we were watching a video completly unrelated to the meeting Dylan Walsh, Julian McMahon and Kelly Carlson walk up. They are three actors who play on the show Nip/Tuck. Kelly stayed with us to finish the movie about how cool Six Flags is and the other two walked off. When the movie was over we were allowed to enter the park, Coconut and I grabbed eactohters hands and walked around together and I'm not sure where Kelly went to. While we were walking we saw Jen with a couple of kids. Apparently she adopted them and decided to take them out for the day. We told her to leave because there was somebody killing people and she said she knew but came anyways because the thrill was half the fun. Coconut and I walked away after that. I'm not sure what happened to Jen or her children. Then there was a bunch of running and screaming and I woke up.
I'm at the library right now, I'll be leaving in a bit though. I am so tired of not having a computer, I brought it in to OIT today and they're gonna reformat it and reinstall the stuff it needs. I should have it back in about a week, maybe less. I feel like I'm back in the stone age with no computer. All I do now is watch tv and do my homework.
Please watch this, I laughed so loud while I was in the library.