Jul 23, 2003 01:10
What do I have to say. It's 1:09 am where I am. Well, lets see. The only good thing that happened to me today is that I got approved by the fanlistings.org to do the "Jack Sparrow and Will Turner Slash Fanfiction" fanlisting. I pretty happy about that. The only thing I can be a little upset about is that I have 84 members in my johnny_icons community, and I didn't have not one entry today (July 22) wow, and at that the last entry was from me. I don't know, maybe Im treating it to seriously. I think I am...
Anyway, for anyone that's been keeping track of my site, I know, It's on "revamp mode" again, after about one day. It's because I completely hated the layout and figured I could do so much better, and I did. I have a new layout ready to go. I just learned how to make a image map, so Im going to use that on it too. Im goint to use an image map on my fanlisting as well, but all I need to do now is find a host!!! =(
Right now currently, it is 1:15am and I want to go to bed. Im sitting here typing you. My T.V. is turned to Lord of the Rings, on STARZ. If you know, there showing the special edition of it. As if the movie wasn't long enough, they added 35 min. on to it. But then again, it doesn't really matter because I like the movie so much. Right now it's at the end...
"I don't mean to, I don't mean to"
"Oh Sam"
"Come on"
drifting Bromir down the waterfall...
And then Legolas with his sexy ass!!! "...You mean not to follow them?..."
I think Im done. Phew, long isn't it? lol. Hope you like to read...