Lotrips fic: Newspaper Clippings 1/? (Orlijah) PG-13

Mar 10, 2010 21:37

Title: Newspaper Clippings
Fandom: Lotrips
Pairing: Orlijah eventually
Rating: PG-13
Complete: Only in my head.
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort, romance
Summary: Elijah wanted a normal life. But he isn't sure he'll ever be able to have one, given his proclivities for obsession and ritual. He finally has his own apartment, his own life but everything is turned on its head when an angel walks into his life, needing a place to live.
Warnings: Contains content about obsessive compulsive disorder.

A BIG thank you to sparkly_shiny for being my beta. You are the best.

There had been a time, a moment in time rather, when Elijah Wood had possessed the ability to live a normal life.

It was a long time ago, and he didn’t want to think about ever having it again, because from what his therapist regularly told him it most likely wouldn’t occur anytime soon. He didn’t know what he would do if it didn’t.

The rituals had started small of course, apparently they always did or so he’d found when studying his disorder.

Elijah had been fourteen, his parents had been divorced for four years and his mother had decided that she was going to marry her boyfriend on April 4th.

He had avoided anything with the number four in it since.

His true ritual, his first ritual, had involved being clean. It hadn’t been too long after his mother remarried that they moved into Roy’s house, and his room was never clean enough.

Roy’s house was old, and therefore lacked the cleanliness a newer home, or updated home did.

Elijah hated it. He never felt clean in that house, with the dirt brown carpet in his room that made his skin crawl and had him running for the sink to wash his hand until they turned red from the heat, then white from the cold.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

He was 23 years of age, living on his own for the first time in...forever...and his life fairly resembled shit, as his best friend often told him.

His mother worried, that much was certain, and she hadn’t wanted him to move out, although his compulsions and rituals almost drove her mad.

“Excuse me?” a soft voice said from his doorway and he whirled around to look at the man standing there. “I heard there was a person looking for a room mate,” he lifted the newspaper and squinted lightly at the small print.

Elijah found himself breathless, this was not a human being standing in front of him. It was a fucking angel.

Golden skin, soft curly hair and deep brown eyes.

“Are you Elijah Wood?” The angel had an accent.
“Yes I am,” Elijah managed to choke out. “I’ll show you the room I’m renting out,” he waved a hand, gesturing for the taller young man to follow him, and walked up the small flight of stairs to the loft bedroom. “Here it is.”

The angel looked around, his eyes wide before he turned to Elijah, shooting him a curious look. “You don’t sleep here?” He sounded aghast that someone would pass up such a wonderful wide open space.

Elijah hated wide open spaces, “If you want to live here I require a copy of your criminal record.”

Brown eyes widened again, but instead of getting offended, the angel seemed faintly amused, “Very well then. If it takes a couple days will you have offered the space to someone else?”

“No, I can hold it, this was the last day the ad was running anyway,” Elijah responded. “But please do call me to tell me if you are certain about the space.”

“Of course,” the angel smiled and offered his hand, “How horribly rude of me, my name is Orlando, Orlando Bloom.”

Elijah stared down at the hand offered to him and took a step back, not stopping until he bumped into the dresser and his fingers curled around the knob. “I don’t touch people,” he said softly.

Orlando’s brow furrowed in confusion and he frowned momentarily before a smile flitted across his face, obviously having decided that he’d done nothing wrong.

“That must make dating awfully hard mate,” he commented lightly, glancing into a pair of clear blue eyes.

“Uhm yeah, I don’t do that either,” Elijah said softly, looking down shyly. He sucked in a deep breath. “So I will hear from you soon?”

Orlando frowned again, feeling concern for this man who he’d only just met but didn’t feel comfortable expressing it yet.

“Yes, you will,” he responded, shooting his new room mate a smile before he headed for the door, stepping over boxes as he left.

Elijah walked over to the bed, sinking down onto the frame, as he’d thrown out the mattress. He bowed his head and covered his face.

How was he going to attempt to have a normal life when he found himself falling for the first angelic face that walked in the door?

Why couldn’t his life just be...be...

Not fucked up.

Elijah laughed bitterly, and resisted the urge to weep as he pressed his palms into his eyes. It’s not like Orlando would stick around long anyway, few people did when they realized how fucking crazy he was.

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