such great heights

Feb 17, 2006 19:15

didnt go to school today. I was up half last night throwing up and in pain from cramps. I went to sleep at about 5 thanks to my mum, who sat by me for 2 hours helping me out. She let me sleep till 10 and then I was going to go to school but I felt like crap and was dizzy and still feeling like i was going to throw up so I stayed home.
It's so unfair. When I get cramps I have to STAY HOME FROM SCHOOL. argh. other people can just take some drugs and be better. I am jealous of the male race. grrr.

I didn't do muhc b/c my mum was home with me (she doesnt work on Fridays). usually i would watch lots of tv but she wanted me to work on m maths assignment and do my homework. I did as much of the maths ass i could. which wasn't alot. I really don't understand what they want us to do AT ALL after about task 8 i think. anyway i shall just go cry about it.

I read 2 books today. lol. go me. sisterhood of teh travelling pants and lost property. id read them both before so it wasn't that interesting or anything but i am proud that i managed 2 books.

The TV I did see was Wednesday's Prison Break ep and the new GG. Some of you might be like "2 eps of TV? that's pretty good."
Honey that is a slooooooooow day for me.

Im not looking forward to wtaerpolo tomorrow morning. the sharks might eat me. but i am looking forward to what comes after which is ARIELS PARTAY!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!

*is calm*

im veeeerrrrrrryyyy excited. actually i should probably ring ariel o find out what i need to bring etc.

p.s. go look at my supernatural icons. now. do it. do it.

ariels party, sick

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