Nov 09, 2006 22:55
Yes, it has a lot to do with the fact that I like the Democrats, but I found Tuesday night's midterm election very uplifting. :) Whether you're on the political right or left, you have to admit that the current group in Washington had gotten very complacent and there wasn't enough dialogue and compromise. I think it's just a given that every generation or so, the current group has to be thrown out to shake things up a bit. The Republican Revolution had run for about 20 to 25 years; and though the US is still a rather conservative place, even the Red States were ready for a change. This is good for America.
If the GOP had become cynical, immoral and arrogant, the Donkeycrats have morphed into a new generation of Fihgting Dems! I think Tester, the Senator-elect from Montana, illustrates this trend. The man looks like Montana himself, and he's sure not the effete Ivy League straw-man intellectual that the Fox News pundits are used to fighting. Neither is Webb, or Shuler. This is also good for America.
What's also good is that now Bush has to compromise and actually work with Congress if he wants to accomplish anything. I don't believe the Bush presidency ended this week, but I believe the Karl Rove presidency certainly did. This is really good for America.
Oh, and Rummy's gone. He had to go. Well, of course that's good for America too. :)
I'm not sure if this is the start of a new era or just a blip caused by a lack of faith in Bush and Iraq. I think things will change a lot in the next few years. 2006 will be the real test, and I'm not yet sure how that's going to go.