Mar 30, 2004 23:33
its funny how people act. for example: today my mother called the school and they told her i have'nt been to my 5th period class all last week. big deal. so she said "your band, your done with it", HAHAHA!! yeah right. trying to control my life. and my dad, rakes up about 20 piles of leaves on friday and i come home and he goes "oh yeah, you have to pick up those leaves i raked up", fuck that i said. didnt do it all weekend and finally bagged 17 bags of leaves today (tuesday). he needs to go back to work and take mroe pain killers and just work all the fucking time cuz when he's home he's an asshole. my mother also said that tomarrow on wednesday night "we have dinner plans, you and i, be home at 6", welp mother, i'm going to a show, sooo sorry. and she made a conference for me and my guidence person tomarrow, how thoughtful. and i read jenna's live journal, and it's all about "i hate you blah blah blah eric, memories we had their done, gone, were done, goodbye forever". hahahahah!!! and says how she's done crying over me and staying up all night thinking if she made the right choice. that'd rediculous because i NEVER told her or ever fucking talked to her since we broke up. she was the one who wanted it, she got what she wished for, move the fuck on!!! trying to blame me for her crying and staying up all night, missing me, thinking of me. damn. i'm sorry for making you do all that shit, right. people are just rediculous. if you wanna move on so bad jenna, DO IT! i did. i'm happy. casey makes me happy and i can be who i really am around her. not quit smoking/drinking or anything to make her happy. she likes me for who i am. damn, i never really was who i was the whole 2 years i was with jenna. im fucking retarded for pretending to be someone else and doing it for 2 years. never again.