Jan 21, 2007 01:10
OK I have recently come across a problem with this whole livejournal idea. See, most people use it to rant about this, that and the other thing. Well here is the issue, as most of you have noticed, my livejournal has been used on many occasions to mark events that have been happeneing in my life. Good or bad. It was up and all my friends were free to comment on my current situation. Now things are a little more complicated.....I now need to watch what I write....for the good there are no issues, but for the bad is another matter. There are people who are reading this journal that I sometimes want to write about. I am not say either way if it is good things or bad things, but I now must hold back some of my current issues, what I think about situations I find myself in.
So here I am writing about not being able to write what I want. It is no fault of their own for I have given the location of this journal to them but, I am now torn on if I should create another journal to be able to write what I would like, and keep the new one to only my closest inner circle or should I just not pay any attention to who might see and and still write what I feel about the current situations in my life?
I write to anyone that may respond, and invite them to do so.....I dont want to do something that is moraly wrong...but is it really concidered a journal if you are holding back what you are truly feeling for fear of openeing a can-of-worms?
Yours truly