Feb 03, 2006 22:03
Gah, been dying a slow painful death all day, melodramatic yes, but the term death warmed up suits me perfectly right now. I hate being ill :(
Phoned mam up and checked how things were going with the finding out what was taken in the burglary last night. Police and CSI have all been and took prints/statements etc and my stepdad, whilst he's been out on the town tonight, has heard from a friend of a friend that he was offered a laptop from a young rogue who lives in the roughest part of our town...and trust me Middlesbrough is notoriously rough. Funnily enough this kid has since been arrested for stealing a car and joy-riding so hopefully the police can track down the laptop and who else broke into our house when they question him...hopefully, but I doubt much will come of it unfortunately. Would love for my mam to get back some of her jewellery though, a lot of it was her mams and it's the sentimental value that's most important as that's all she really had left to remember her mam :S
Anyway, I think I will toddle off to my sickbed in a minute, try and sleep some of this flu off :)