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Jan 30, 2006 22:08

Feeling proud of myself today for actually doing something in the way of studying. I read a whole play, The Spanish Tragedy and wrote notes on certain things throughout in preparation for my seminar in which I may now have something good to contribute. Trying to be more "studenty" in a good way this semester as I kind of slacked off in the last one and I want a good grade at the end of the year, even if first year uni doesn't technically count lol. I mean if I was getting Bs in essays and a few short tests (dunno about exams yet *fingers crossed*) when I wasn't even trying that hard imagine what I might be able to do if I do try...I dunno I just feel guilty for not doing as much work as I "should" have.

Plus-side to this semester is I got to chosse my own modules so I'm actually doing something I enjoy (Renaissance Tragedy for my English module and American Literature for the American Studies one)so I'm feeling more motivated as well :) Even if I do really badly this semester at least I'll know that I at least worked for it :)

Gah, Livejournal is being stoopy and not letting me use drop-down menus (userpics, mood etc) hate it when Livejournal plays up, grrr *kicks*
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