Had a 10am lecture this morning but meant my whole uni day finished at 11 so the good outweighs the bad :D Was an interesting lecture too, all about the theatre in Shakespeare's time, how and where plays were performed, the actors (leads, clowns, and boys ^_^) and the audiences and the theatres themselves. Some good background info for the rest of my course which is Renaissance Tragedy. Couldn't resist stopping off at the Waterstone's on campus tho...I "did" go in to buy course books as well, honest, but what mainly drew me was the 3 for 2 offer on all the manga. Lol, I'm terrible, me and my boyfriend have a whole bookshelf full of anime and manga and it just keeps growing...
Feel much better today, felt all icky yesterday and had to skip going to the cinema with my friends to see Memoirs of a Geisha :( missed out on some good alcohol too apparently. Oh well, think my boyfriend is taking me to see Memoirs tomorrow and I sooo want to see Brokeback Mountain, I've read the book and heard the soundtrack (thanks
Causette!) and now I just have to see it, can't wait *bounces*
Got back into reading fanfiction recently, read a fantastic Harry/Draco one yesterday, definitely the best I've ever read, so heartbreakingly sad and beautiful. It's called Beautiful World and is written by Cinnamon and I highly recommend it :D
Beautiful World I've been sticking to the HP fandom pretty much because I don't know where to start with all the fantastic Orlando Bloom fics there are out there...so any recommendations would be greatly appreciated ;)
Well, nothing of great interest has happened since I got back from uni so I think I'll leave it here for now,