Feb 11, 2011 12:16
It seems that, somehow, I managed to bust the inner meniscus of my left knee.
I wish I could say it was a terrible accident, from which nobody survived except me (sans meniscus); or that I was competing in a MMA tournament and suddenly, terrible pain in the knee!, but no. It seems it was mere mechanical wear of the thing.
You know, it is not as hurtful as it sounds: it does hurt, yes, but the worst part is to feel the soft 'crack' in the articulation with every step I take. I can see, with my third eye, the pieces of cartilage being grinded between my bones.
Oh, and my next trip to Europe, originally programmed by late April - early May, are now in stand-by. Damn... :S
I will have an ultrasound test to see how bad the damage really is, but the orthopaedist said I could need a full TAC in the knee. I like the ultrasound better: it cheaper, and I am paying for private attention.
Yes, I could go to our vaunted social security service, the same service that told my father last October that his glasses would be ready for this coming August. I took him to the shop one Saturday morning, and they were ready next Monday in the afternoon. But enough ranting.
And I have a date after the ultrasound test. I mean, a bad meniscus is not that bad, yes? :D
earth-shattering news