11 has always been my lucky number--I was born on the 11th, it was usually my jersey number in sports as a kids, I always pick it as one of my lotto numbers, it's a number often used in my passwords, ... So I had already decided to be optimistic about the 11th Doctor no matter what. It probably also helped that I didn't set myself up for disappointment by speculating because I could come up with a long list of actors I'd love to see play the role (Mark Sheppard, James Callis, Guy Flanagan, Russell Tovey, Sam Troughton, John Hannah, Bill Nighy, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Andy Serkis, etc. etc. etc.), and this guy would never have crossed my mind!
That said, my first thought while reading the casting news was, "Hey! That's the guy who played Jim in the Sally Lockheart series with Billie Piper! I liked him!"
The age doesn't bother me. No matter the age of the actor, the character is an alien approaching a thousand years old. He can look old but act youthful or vice versa, or he could have moments of bouncy silliness juxtaposed against other moments where he is wise or seems weathered and those around him are given a glimpse of his real age. Tennant often played the Doctor with a wiry boyishness, so it will be interesting to see how Matt Smith takes on the role. Wouldn't it be ironic if 11 came across as a more serious, no-nonsense Doctor? But seriously, just because he is young (And since when is 26 seen as a fresh-faced baby anyway?) doesn't mean the Doctor is going to act like a hormone-driven teenager.
On a shallow note, I kind of appreciate that the new guy was born in the same decade as me...merely five years older! I've gotten far too comfortable fancying actors closer to my parents' age than my own, ahahaha. :P
I don't find him attractive though. Then again, I didn't think favorably about CE's or DT's appearances at first either, but Nine is my favorite Doctor and Ten is teh sex. The Doctor is not conventionally attractive, and I' glad they went with someone with Doctor-ish features....interesting, unsymmetrical face, energetic and quirky but can probably play older, very British, and he wouldn't stand out in a crowd for his looks alone.
My one complaint?
Moffat said this about the casting decision: "'The way he said the lines, the way he looked, his hair. Everything was spot on...'"
Oh God no. Please change his hairstyle before he acts as the Doctor. Floppy hair works for some people...Tennant sure knows how to wear it well with his ruffable 'do, but all the fluff and height doesn't suit this guy's features at all and is just a scary mess. :P
Also, I'm excited about how Moffat and the 11th Doctor will rejuvenate the series. Much as I adore Tennant, after "Journey's End" (not a perfect episode, but grand and epic nonetheless) where the arch of the past four series finally felt complete and final for all of the characters, it's Ten's time to go. Aside from the amusement of watching David Morrissey and David Tennant acting together (and hoping they would at some point burst into song and dance), I thought the 2008 Christmas special was dull. Not only are the Cybermen hackneyed (as are the Daleks for that matter. They are great monsters when used in moderation, but I hope and trust that Moffat will utilize other and newer villains), but it also seemed as if Ten is just listlessly hanging around now and waiting for something (something being a regeneration) to happen.
So what will this new Doctor be like? Funny? Sarcastic? Sexy? Life and misery? Life and soul? Right-handed? Left-handed? A gambler? A fighter? A coward? A traitor? A liar? A nervous wreck? Rude? Probably not ginger, poor Doctor. How will he dress? Will the interior of the TARDIS change? Who will he companion(s) be? What kinds of adventures will he have? Is it 2010 yet?
-The Doctor: I don't have a particular personality in mind for him, but I wouldn't mind if he was bookish. Moffat will probably make him a bit of a Casanova or at least a cheeky flirt, and I'd be fine with that. And again, someone please cut the man's hair!
1. Bring Donna back!!! Please?
2. A couple of companions at once. I wouldn't mind if it was a man and woman who fall in love with one another. Although I don't want another companion to fall in love with the Doctor, OT3 vibes are fun.
3. Someone who is not from modern day London. There are more places in the universe, Doctor! A different time, a different place, hell, even a different nationality would do!
4. Shahrukh Khan. At least for one episode? Playing a Raj or Rahul-type character? Heh...Go on and judge me then. :P
-Adventures: More of the rest of the world and universe, less of London and Cardiff. I love me some historical episodes! Different villains. I don't mind if Moffat rehashes villains from the old series, so long as there is a good, lengthy break from the Daleks and Cybermen!
Meet the next Doctor:
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"I'm flabbergasted." Aww, he's cute! I love all the manic hand and finger motions. And I'm amused that they chose such a newcomer--there isn't even a discussion board for him on IMDB...yet. But the hair! Agh!