Sep 01, 2006 10:11
auditions these last two nights were a freakin hoot and the cast for Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind is now cast. I hate casting though. So much of a good show relies on the making the right cast choices. It's like being a chemist I think... trying to find the right mix of personalities, talent, dispositions, and luck to make a show work and not explode leaving a giant crater where your good intentions used to be... I think I have a good bunch though. Well rounded, all ages, more guys than girls (which I hadn't wanted to do but that's just how it worked out), different levels in experience, and everybody is funny in their own off beat way, so I think it should work. But I cold have easily gone in any number of other directions and casted entirely different people, everyone did well at auditions, so I dunno. Lets hope this works!