Long time!

May 02, 2005 23:55

Wow! It's been a long time since I've been on here. Actually it seems like that for a lot of people. I guess we are all just super busy this quarter. Which, by the way, is half way done!!!! WTF?!?! Where did it all go? It kind of scares me how quickly time flies by us. Well, let's catch everybody up. I had an amazing Spring Break in Las Vegas with Brit, Blair, Kerianne, and Emily. It was so much fun!!!!! That was possibly one of the best weeks of my entire life. We just relaxed, slept in, cruised around the strip, and partied! This quarter has been pretty good too. I really like my classes and they are actually all interesting, but there is a bitch-load of work! So many papers and tests and quizzes and projects. It's crazy! I found out that I am going to be a Residence Hall Manager next year in Barto, Anderson, and Moore, so that should be exciting. Also, I got the Orientation Coordinating Assistant job for the summer, so I get to boss Brittany and Brent around :-p (jk). I think I've been doing better mentally this quarter because I've been getting out of my hall as much as possible. I've spent a lot of time hangingout with the other South Side staff like Danielle, Nick, Brent, Carly, and Amanda. It's been awesome! I can't wait until we all go camping this summer. Other than that, I'm just putting off studying for my Poli. Sci. test tomorrow :-p I'm not too worried though, the last one wasn't too bad. Ok, I guess I should study now. I'll probably be back later! ;-)
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