Meet Saffi <3

Jul 26, 2010 04:30

Alright so I said I would get over to my dad's and take some pictures of my new kitten ^^. But insted he brought her to me lol. He was coming over to see me and Jason (my older brother) and so well on the phone he asked if he should bring her and of corse I told him "YES >:O!"

Dad said she cried the entire way here cause he only has a work truck so it's really loud lol. We played outside in the garden and she ran into our thicket of rasberry bushes T_T I had to go in and get here. *soo many thorns T3T* so we both got all muddy lol

Anyway, when I brought her inside and Showed her off to Josh and Roxey, Roxey was nice enough to take some snap shots of us on webcam sense for some reason >:/ Mine wouldn't. TY Roxey ^^

(she loves laying on my chest lol, I'll just walk around the house with her laying on there lol)

Finely around 9 dad went home and took her :( My mom won't let me have a cat in the house anymore, even though she doesn't live with us, maybe like once a week she comes home. But it's ok, dad can bring her over when i want and she can stay here for a night sometimes, and I can see her when I'm over there. She's just like a baby, she loves being held and always whines when you don't pick her up >w< She's always chewing on my nails O.o, my hamster Love does that too, he's always nibbling and licking my nails. (but I keep them clean T_T so theres nothing there for them to eat) Saffi was a stray that my dad's friend found and she asked if he would like to have her sense she already had two dogs.

kitten, pictures, cat, pets, saffi

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