Errors of judgment.

Jul 17, 2010 13:43

I fucked up pretty badly. So I keep telling myself. But five years of wanting, five years

Maybe, just a little bit, it was worth i     (( Several inkdrops stain the page. ))

You know, after all this time, I still hate the RAS int

Why was I the only one who listened when I'm the one who has the most reason to hate?

Our houseguest it going to be trouble; he's as clear in his

Equal and opposite, not antithetical. She was right.  I'd still kind of like to set her on fire for her disrespectful assumptions, though. Thaldarian, my perfect one, you would have seen that right away and known the truth of it: you destroy with antithetical forces, not negate To heal we must negate.



I wonder how much of my generosity to this young man is an attempt to get back into Kae's good graces.  That's a preposterous thought and I should be ashamed of it. Have a little more pride, Lastdawn, really.

He tried to claim that he owes us for this. If only you knew! No, lad, this is nothing for which you'll ever owe me debt: these acts of kindness are simply me repaying debts of my own. Not to Kae. Not to you. It could have been anyone in your position

But I'm glad it's you.

Some silly, childish part of me keeps thinking, if I can save his soul, maybe I can save mine, too.

The leeches are eating each other. Is that normal?! That's really not normal.


this is an "oh, fuck" moment that warrants memorisation

mad science, becoming your monster, ori is actually catholic, harsh lessons, drugs are fun, ic, kael'ash, botanists are jerks, traitors everywhere

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