A good Thursday

Aug 24, 2006 20:55

Ohayo gozaimasu! (that means good morning. Squee.)

Class was awesome today. Japanese is absolute hilarity in all its forms. We played rock-paper-scissors! I mean, come on! How is that not awesome? In order to leave the class, we had to win rock-paper-scissors against one of the teachers. YAY! I won, too, it was spiffy. And we got some strange kind of japanese candy...it tasted like citrus.

Speaking of, I have a mandarin orange fetish. But there are worse fetishes to have, so I think I'm okay. ...I'm also stalling on doing the Theology homework. ...I don't want to. :P Nyah.

Calc. ...OMG CALC. I despise calculus with fiery passion, but it was awesome. we have a total of 4 tests - three tests and a cumulative final. If I have an A- or better average on the first 3 tests, the final is not mandatory.


Then she says the other magic words. "Partial credit."

Bingo. ...I just said "bingo." Man. I'm in a weird mood. ...But a good one.
And then I got a smoothie. Smoothies are just awesome.

So, anyway, guys, college Calc 2? Integration. We're starting with antiderivatives. ...Yes, you all did that in AB. We finish with sequences/series, which is the first thing you do in BC. Calc 1 here is all derivatives.

So maybe college not be so bad, hm? I actually got almost all my homework done for tomorrow in the 5 hours between Japanese and Calc/dinner - we're reading the Iliad, which actually isn't all that bad, for a horrendously long book about the Trojan war. I prefer the Odyssey, but hey, still not bad. ...Plus it has Apollo in it. Apollo is SPIFFITY.

So that was my Thursday. Thursdays are typically, in my weirdlife, bad days, but today was actually pretty good. I can't wait until 1:20 tomorrow though - WEEKEND~~!

Yes, my classes end on odd days at 1:20. I laugh at you, seniors! Ahahaa! ...Not really. I miss all of you and wish you could be here doing the college thing instead of there suffering through senior year. You're welcome to visit, people. We'll go to THE MALL.

Sayonara! (That's goodbye. I have a feeling most of you knew that.)

PS- I will rock-paper-scissors with you ANYTIME. BRING IT! :)

japanese, classes, college, thursday

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