Title: If Not This Pairings: YunJae Form: Oneshot Genre: Romance Words: 1307 Summary: Jaejoong makes a confession, and Yunho thinks about what love is.
Yes! I'm so glad I checked for updates before going to bed. This was so sweet and comfortable. No drama. And you know, I can SO see Jae being so flippant about his love confession. THANK YOU FOR WRITING! <3
:D I'm so glad you liked it! hehe, Jae is an odd one, isn't he? I think he could go either way, being totally melodramatic about a confession or really low key. But with Yunho, I don't think he needs any melodrama. *squishes them together* ^_^
And props for mentioning Bambi! Ha ha, Leader-sshi's little girl. ^__^ I wonder if he still has her? And this: "His hands squeeze her body, water dripping off into the sink, and you can’t help but make a face as he contorts her to get rid of the majority of water." cracked me up. XDD Poor Yunnie.
The end was perfect. Simple, yet all that needed to be said was said.
:D Hehe, I think the pair of them are plenty adorable. And I've always rather enjoyed the thought of Yunho having his little 'Bambi' daughter because it's so ridiculously cute and so very Yunho.
The boys are the cutest things ever. ^__^ And I agree it's quite like Yunnie. It's funny how he looks so manly and handsome, being the leader and all, and he's actually a cute dork. ♥
Comments 43
nevertheless interesting, fluffy & full of love <3
(Shall I? I feel kinda bad spamming everywhere, but okay! :D)
and i'm quite serious. :::hugs:::
And props for mentioning Bambi! Ha ha, Leader-sshi's little girl. ^__^ I wonder if he still has her? And this: "His hands squeeze her body, water dripping off into the sink, and you can’t help but make a face as he contorts her to get rid of the majority of water." cracked me up. XDD Poor Yunnie.
The end was perfect. Simple, yet all that needed to be said was said.
Thanks for reading, glad you liked it!
You're welcome!
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