Title: Finding Eden Rating: PG-13 Form: 2/2 Genre: Drama, angstish? Summary: Yunho wakes up in a world very different to his own, and has to question everything he's ever known.
Wow, that was very interesting & absorbing. What I liked most was the rather detached, confused voice of Yunho. It fit very well with the story. Also my favorite part of the fic was this:
"He’d started making lists. He did that with many hard decisions he had to make, creating a list of pros and cons and figuring out what the facts were. He wasn’t like Jaejoong, who worked nearly purely on instinct with very little foresight or planning (an approach which often drove him to complete distraction, with how wild and unpredictable the lead singer could be. In their profession, they could ill afford unpredictability. Yet, it was also one of the many things Yunho loved about the fiery young man). Yunho liked to know exactly what his options were and exactly what the situation was."
I really like how you maintained what I think is very telling of Yunho's personality in real life, in this fic. It was wonderful. :)
I think Yunho would be a very list-orientated person, if he ever got half a minute to think about them. XD He likes to know what's happening, in detail, so he can react in the most appropriate way. Jaejoong strikes me more as the i-get-the-general-idea, this-feels-right, sort of guy. Emotional over rational. ^^;
This story triggered something in me, and it got me thinking. Mm, I used to think that this "reality" that I'm living in isn't true at all, so this story kinda brought back those memories.
I totally know how Yunho felt, being so insecure and not knowing what to believe only because I couldn't even trust myself.
Wow. I'm really really amazed. Like seriously!
I was so fascinated by the ending that I found myself holding my breath for a few seconds.
I think a lot of us have those times when we wonder if this can all be real. I remember thinking about that as a kid too - like there was anothe reality out there that I wasn't aware of.
Oooh, very interesting read. Brings to mind an episode of Buffy, but I enjoyed reading your JaeHo spin on it.
Favourite section: 'There was no one here for him anymore. This place, where Dong Bang Shin Ki was a forgotten memory, left to fading magazines and old CDs. Where Uknow Yunho never existed. Where Jaejoong had never loved him, had never even known him. A place where he had no dreams, no goals, no life.
hem. yes. Buffy. XD I remember watching that episode, but I can't remember what the conclusion of it was. Knowing Buffy, there probably wasn't a proper conclusion though. ^^;
Comments 72
"He’d started making lists. He did that with many hard decisions he had to make, creating a list of pros and cons and figuring out what the facts were. He wasn’t like Jaejoong, who worked nearly purely on instinct with very little foresight or planning (an approach which often drove him to complete distraction, with how wild and unpredictable the lead singer could be. In their profession, they could ill afford unpredictability. Yet, it was also one of the many things Yunho loved about the fiery young man). Yunho liked to know exactly what his options were and exactly what the situation was."
I really like how you maintained what I think is very telling of Yunho's personality in real life, in this fic. It was wonderful. :)
I'm glad you enjoyed it~!
I'm speechless. Shocked. Stunned. Aghast.
This story triggered something in me, and it got me thinking. Mm, I used to think that this "reality" that I'm living in isn't true at all, so this story kinda brought back those memories.
I totally know how Yunho felt, being so insecure and not knowing what to believe only because I couldn't even trust myself.
Wow. I'm really really amazed. Like seriously!
I was so fascinated by the ending that I found myself holding my breath for a few seconds.
Really, really, great job.
*snugs* ♥
Favourite section:
'There was no one here for him anymore. This place, where Dong Bang Shin Ki was a forgotten memory, left to fading magazines and old CDs. Where Uknow Yunho never existed. Where Jaejoong had never loved him, had never even known him. A place where he had no dreams, no goals, no life.
His dreams weren’t here anymore.'
Made me go GWAH. So so good.
Glad you liked!
The way you portrayed Yunho's insecurities...oh, -loves-
I was so fascinated by the sheer beauty of the ending.
Fantastic job, and no, it's not an exaggeration.
im sooo happy yunnie decided to go back to dbsk... he shld or i will knock his head so tat he has many many bumps instead of 1 only...
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