Wishlist updated: 6/2012
Name a minimum of 5 (up to as many as you like!) NON-THINGS which you want for $WINTERHOLIDAY - places you'd like to see, things you'd like to do, things that you need help with, skills that others have that you'd like to learn or have applied to your person/life.
Then? Name a minimum of 5 (up to as many as you like!) SKILLS you possess that you'd be happy to apply in the name of $WINTERHOLIDAY goodness! You'd probably be surprised at what other people don't know you can do, and equally shocked what your friends can do!
-> A regular create and bitch. Once a month we descend on someone willing to host (Including myself), do creative things and have fun chatting.
-> Regular fight practices. I used to be a good fighter. I want to become a good fighter again. That takes practice practice practice.
-> A ski day-trip. I can pay my own way. But I don't have anyone to ski with and one thing I learned long ago, never ski alone. I started skiing when I was 5. So I'm pretty good. Mind you I haven't been skiing in about 5 years. Still its like riding a bike.
-> Help de-junking and organizing my house. Its a mess.
-> New floors. Either help with putting them down, or even gift certificates to help pay for it. Unfortunately, I'm not done researching it so I can't give more details. Maybe help researching it would be helpful?
-> Marketing consultation. I've got this lovely Etsy store but have no idea how to market it.
-> Music Lessons - I want to learn to play the guitar and how to sing
-> Packets. I love making packets.
-> Jewelry. I have alot of bead stash. I'd be happy to make something from what you bring me or what I have in stock.
-> I can knit. I can make small projects, hand warmers, scarves, even the odd hat. I've got this idea for turning my star blankets into pillows thanks to Silverhare. ;)
-> Easy to Medium sewing projects. I can make things like cloaks, pants, tee-tunics. I'm always looking for a challenge, so long as the due date is flexible. Challenges tend to take longer.
-> Bento boxes. I love making them. I can show you how, I can make you one. Just drop me a line.
-> Babysitting. I'm great with kids.
Amazon Wishlist Here are a few things I would love that I can't seem to get onto a wishlist.
Craft Stuff:
Etsy stuff:
LL Bean:
Random: (under 20$)
Guitar lessons I've been wanting go back to making music for a while.
Gift Cards:
Jo-Ann FabricsMichael's CraftAC Moore CraftWyrding StudiosSock DreamsLimited Gift Card (This place has clothes that FIT ME!!!! :) :)
Everyday Clothing:
Portal Teeshirt