Sep 04, 2007 15:42
Ok, so, this is the first September since I was 4 years old that I have not been in school. I am oddly calm, yet I cannot determine whether this is my true state, or simply my mind tricking itself into avoiding an existential crisis or something. In theory, this should be a lot weirder than it is. But I'm pretty ok with it... to be honest, even though I am taking the year off because I just can't afford it, I'm kind of happy to have a year to do what I want. I figure that it's smarter for me to get all the stupid stuff in my life organised and out of the way now, so when I DO go back next September, it'll be smooth sailing into the 4.0 I'll need to get into UofT grad school... or maybe Columbia or NYU??? More to come.
Otherwise, things are good. Busted up my leg nice and pretty playing street hockey in the Don Valley on the weekend. It's not too bad, but it was pretty bloody and I have a nice little gash on my shin. Whatever, chicks dig scars... I think.
Anyways, I'm outta here, going rollerblading for a bit and then bed early so I can be up to work my 10 hour day tomorrow... Boo.