Another day!
Woke up at 11am, I sleep so late these days =.="
Went to my meeting downtown at 2pm, got all the applications *excited to read them*. One group that I 'promoted' to actually applied!
Then hopped over to mana's sister's bday party. lol, there were SOOO many minor niners!! Her house was totally trashed. I am really not used to so many little girls in a room, it was so loud, whiny, squeeky.Everyone was talking, screeming, laughing. I actyually knew a few out of that group. but we played the Moo game again, so it's all good. The birthday girl got suckered ahaha *evil laugh*
k gotta go calc-ing now.
but lastly....
Some is actually quite true, it's sort of scary how a few questions can determine one's personality like this.
Life as an ENFP
(Extravert, Intuitive, Feeler, Perceiver)
People of this type tend to be: enthusiastic, talkative, and outgoing; clever, curious, and playful; deeply caring, sensitive, and gentle; highly innovative, creative, optimistic, and unique; adaptable and resourceful but sometimes disorganized.
The most important thing to ENFPs is freedom to see possibilities, make connections, and be with a variety of people.
Great careers for ENFPs
Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is ENFP.
* Advertising account executive
* Career / outplacement counselor
* Management consultant
* Developer of educational software
* Actor
* Journalist / magazine reporter
* Graphics designer
* Art director
* Copy writer
* Corporate team trainer
* Residential housing director
* Psychologist
* Inventor
* Human resources profession
* Child welfare counselor
How to Love an ENFP
* Appreciate my creativity, curiosity, and uniqueness.
* Tell me how much I mean to you and be patient with my need to process how I feel privately before sharing it with you.
* Re-establish harmony quickly.
* Support my need to try new experiences and maintain my many friendships.
* Try not force decisions too quickly, or bug me about being messy.
* Above all - encourage me to keep growing, changing, and experimenting with life.
SpeedReading ENFPs
The key to success lies in your ability to quickly size others up, and speak their language. Here are just a few clues for SpeedReading (understanding) and SpeedReaching (communicating with) ENFPs.
How to Spot ENFPs:
* high energy, friendly, and good natured
* imaginative, fun loving, and off beat
* curious; discussions shift quickly from one topic to another
* warm, concerned, and eager to help solve problems
Tips for Communicating with ENFPs:
* Focus on interesting and innovative possibilities and new ways of solving problems
* Don't overwhelm them with facts and details
* Keep things relaxed, warm and flexible