First Wallpaper Batch Attempt ever? Oh yes.

Mar 29, 2011 20:52

The Goal: To stick some of my favorite gazelyrics onto those amazing ABYSS scans by rawkstarr23 and turn it into a presentable wallpaper batch. Hopefully I succeeded? ;D

11 Wallpapers total, 2 of each member, and one of the whole group.
1.99 mb .rar file
[Download Here]
I hope you like them >w<

Many thank yous to gazette_lyrics and lots of the translators there :D
Can you recognize what songs the translations are from? ;D

Making these were fun~! ♥ This pamphlet was so beautiful to me, and I've always wanted to try making graphics >w< (plus it matched my dark themed desktop xD) I got to practice using photoshop too *w* Even though I really didnt do anything fancy,  I'm satisfied x3


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