Attention all of my Subbed Video followers!

Feb 26, 2011 14:36

I'm currently in the process of moving my subbed stuffehs to a community~!

I just think it makes more sense to have people follow a community, than follow my journal ^^"
So, please join (when it's done) if you've been following my subs on this journal :)

I named it orion_subs :3
Its sounds like a sandwich shop, ne?
Get it? Submarine sandwiches? Eh.

Don't join yet though~! I'm still reposting all my subbed vids and whatnot. That would be some major friends page spam.
It'll probably be done within a few days :) My goal is to finish reposting videos before I go out, at least >.>"
And look forward to subbed versions of Kana Nishino's Distance and Alice Nine's Senkou after I get the community all set up :)

Thanks for reading this ♥

subbed live, subbed pv, info

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