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xenoza November 2 2011, 07:37:25 UTC
Thank you so much!! I'm definitely using some; in fact, I'm using one right now!

I love your new layout~ It used to be Reita, right?

I've seen you quite a lot around sidnad and gazette_media so I was wondering...if we could be friends? ^^ SID and the GazettE are my two most favorite bands!


orion_love November 2 2011, 21:33:40 UTC
yayayay im happy you like them >w< and thank you :D I did change my layout from the Reita one~ I just love how Ruki looked in that pamphlet >w<

and of course! the GazettE and SID really are my favorite bands >:D and i've seen you around a lot too ^.^ nice to finally meet you :D

*adds you*


xenoza November 3 2011, 07:47:08 UTC
Wow, did you make the layout yourself? I don't recall seeing it anywhere. And Ruki does look gorgeous~ In fact, I may steal this layout for my own use someday...far far away though since I'm not familiar with Smooth Sailing's stylesheet.

Nice to finally meet you too! I'm going to add you right after writing this comment ^__^


orion_love November 3 2011, 22:54:21 UTC
ah, actually the layout's by jrockxstar here, but I just made the header and edited the code like there was no tomorrow lol xD" thank you for liking it though >w< it was hard work xD" I like your layout too :D the black/white and REMEMBER THE URGE header looks really nice 8D I actually planned on making my journal all black/white, but Ruki's colorful hotness was just irresistible lol xD
I was sooo confused when I switched to Smooth Sailing @.@ my first layout was actually a smooth sailing one, but i didnt really know anything about LiveJournal when i added it >.> i feel like flexible squares was so much easier xP


xenoza November 4 2011, 07:34:19 UTC
Oh wow! It looks nothing like the original one. You must've done a lot of editing!

Thank you for liking my layout! I did the same thing that you did; the original layout was from jrockxstar and then I just put in a new header and changed the codes so it looks nothing like the original. The original one was actually a SID one. And the header is stolen off the GazettE's Myspace :P

but Ruki's colorful hotness was just irresistible That is so true. He looks like he's wearing his Red outfit...all sparkly!

Flexible Squares is a whole lot easier; I think Smooth Sailing has a lot more to customize in there. That's why I haven't yet tackled it... I will one day though. I wonder why when people make layouts, it's always either for Flexible Squares or for Smooth Sailing.


orion_love November 4 2011, 19:46:00 UTC
I knew i recognized your header from somewhere~! I thought it was awesome, then I had this deja vu feeling cause i felt like i had already thought that before xD What a good idea to take their myspace picture O.o

I never noticed he was wearing his Red outfit before O.o (atleast it looks like it). woah. I'm surprised i never made the connection lol xD I Loved his Red look though :D The blondeness was epic xD" *has a thing for platinum-ish blonde*

I remember when i was first messing with the smooth sailing code it was like '.latestmonth' instead of "calendar". I was thinking, why must it be so confusing lol xD The codes are different and such O.o twas weird.

I wonder why people do that too. One time I saw codes for other templates, and it was surprising because i didnt think they existed xD"


xenoza November 6 2011, 05:47:43 UTC
Sorry for replying a date late! I was rather busy yesterday.

I hope I won't be prosecuted for stealing their Myspace picture...I erased the words "Official Myspace" from the picture and the white boundary that was on the right side. I don't know how to make any headers because I have no idea how to stretch out a picture until it's longer than what it used to be without making the image look squashed. One of the other reasons why I don't know how to make wallpapers. So I just took a header that was already made and was already that long.

It looks like his Red outfit, doesn't it? I wonder if it is. It depends on when the pictures were shot though when were they shot? I've never seen that photoshoot before. I LOVED HIS RED LOOK TOO. I LOVED THE BLOND HAIR AND THE WAY HE STYLED IT. The PV for Red was...really VK in my opinion. And really sparkly with all the jewels and stuff all over the set. It's one of my favorite PVs from them. *has a thing for platinum-ish blonde* Me too. I also liked this PLEDGE picture. He looks so cute~ I like ( ... )


orion_love November 8 2011, 01:54:33 UTC
no problem~! I definitely reply late sometimes, so im sorry OTL
I just noticed you changed your header to a TOXIC one :D it looks really nice too~ i love the colors~

and now, I've just noticed they were ALL wearing their red outfits in that pamphlet =.= It was the NLSB era, and it makes sense, really xD if you want to see the scans, usagi_ayu has them here
I prefer straight hair for the GazeMen too, the exception being uruha's hair in SHIVER. That was just beautiful O.o

there is a guide for smooth sailing here on livejournal; i used it alot while editing ^_^ it was still thoroughly confusing though OTL Gotta give livejournal credit for having so many stylesheets O.o ive never seen so many xP


xenoza November 9 2011, 09:14:10 UTC
Don't be sorry! Everyone has things to take care of in real life so they get busy.

I'm glad you like the colors and the look ^^ I visited their official Myspace and noticed they header had finally changed! so I stole it and made it my own :P

Oh wow! All wearing Red outfits!! Thanks for the link~ I'm still sort of confused over what NLSB is since it seemed to span two years or something...there was as part one and then a part two...

Uruha's hair in SHIVER was amazing, as was his costume. I wonder how his hair didn't fall apart from all the moving around he did because it was so perfectly styled. And speaking of SHIVER, I really liked Ruki's look too! It didn't really catch my attention until I watched the making of and saw his clothes in color and then...I just fell in love with that look.

There is a guide for smooth sailing? I need to find it! And if I have problems in the future dealing with smooth sailing, I'll definitely be asking you~


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