Dec 08, 2006 01:00
I don't update this and people don't read this but I probably just want to post because I am tired and sleep deprived and my roomate is drunk loud talking on her phone and I just finished a 25 page paper due tomorrow and school is destroying my soul. That's all I think about. I have anxiety about seeing friends on the weekend because I know it's taking away from valuable study time and is that what my life is? Just study and work? Why did I sign up for Feastivities days? I can't handle that, I just can't. I need just a good solid month of doing nothing academically and hanging out with people like I don't do here.
I hate Thursday nights. Because people are always partying and I just don't want to. I just want to stay in my dorm and do stupid stuff and alieviate some of the stress. Get rid of it. Having too much stress gets rid of long term memories. I kind of want some of those.
I need to shower. I know it's gross. But I don't have time to shower. I need to I need to before I go see my advisor tomorrow and switch to premed so it's official.
I need to right a 2 page double spaced paper, so easy, but I just don't have the energy. I want to fall in love with my Adam West Burt Ward sexy sexy desktop, play video games, move to a single and get out of this dorm. I do like the dorm, I just don't like being in social proximity with people I'm not close to. It makes me crazy.
I'm tired of boys I don't like liking me, and of liking boys that don't like me. Oh, speaking of which, Joe has another girlfriend, right after he broke up with l'other one. After going out for two years. I bet you a hundred million dollars that this is just a rebound, and that he will get back together with Daniella after a while. Especially over break. Because then they will be close to each other, not far away which facilitated this break up, and will get those feelings and bullshit. He says this one isn't a rebound, he knows what a rebound is, but hindsight is 20/20 and liking someone doesn't mean that they're NOT A REBOUND. Whatever. It seems like people who aren't in relationships have the best insight. Speaking of which, Hannah didn't take my advice again. She said she would but she never does. And I have been right every time, and every time she fails she comes to me and admits that she should have listened to me. But she does not. Liar. BLAH.
Perpetually not being in a relationship is no fun. I need I need people to hang out with and such. And to not feel guilty. And to break my head open on the keyboard and take a shower and lose some weight. Fatty fat fat fat fat.
Tired. I'll finish this tomorrow.