Nov 20, 2005 14:43
I had an interesting marklar... it was Friday the other night, and there was work anddddd oh shit, what happened, Molly picked me up and we went tooooo... HARRY POTTER! That's right. That was a great movie. Except Molly was all "balrharalhra we have to take Karen and her friend Kate" and I was all "kjfakjP? who's kate" and she's all "DUNNO" and I was all "K" and then it was Caitlin Keating the end, we all know how that ended up, with an irritated Emily just cranking the music to drown out the sound of the voice AHHHHHHH like a man-squirrel barking, as N would say, movie was funny, lost my wallet NUMEROUS times, found my wallet, came home and worked worked worked,
Sanna came over on Saturday and we worked on our project it's cool, and good um, got that done, went to Molly's to chill before going to Hannah's and watched some of something I forget, maybe lost, YEAH LOST, uh, went to hannah's and prepared before Rocky Horror, got all dolled up, there are pictures somewhere hopefully. I know plenty were taken uh uh uh... not much room in the car, but i got to sit on people on the way back and i am very warm, let me tell you, cept Matt kept tickling me and we were singing Avenue Q and JAW sang wonderful night and yeah. But yeah, ROcky HOrror, I was a trannie and was V'ing people, was very interesting. there were so many. i like the cast, i like big gay dave because I said his cape was fancy and he was happy i used that word. i had to walk him around to make sure he didn't fall down and die/he needed protection,yeah. mm mm, lots of AP lines, i know some of the cast kinda Rafe, Tom (who successfully looked up my dress without me noticing, i mean, if you can do that, I guess you might as well go ahead cause you deserved it?), Cosmo, Nicole... uh Maggie was Janet, Becca was Crim, mm and JAW was Trannies, I did okay, as good as I guess was expected. it was fun, hanz0r passed black belt, it was around 3:30 in the morning at the diner and i had chicken fries and other things and i shouldnh't have eaten that, i passed out on hannah's couch afterwards
today went to lancer's with molly & molly mom, watched BATMANBEGINZZZ, and now I'm here typiing this instead of doing my termpapepr, YEAH
Rent tomrororw, so i will ge tit done