Nov 03, 2004 11:11
Hello my unconventional, conventionalists how are you doing. Me well things are jumbled up and thrown out like SPAM on bread. I have been really doing nothing like normal. I am just waiting for my sister to get back from her operation. I want it to be over with, and I want her to get better. I am falling apart due to my lazyness. I have however been keeping up with the drinking, which is probably the only activity I can say that I have consistanly kept up with. The Theatre has been keeping me ocupied, against my will of corse. Felipe has kept me there working on sets and what not. I get paid sometimes, which is not good money, but its something. I live on every dollar, and pinch every penny. I don't want it to be like this, I just need to get things moving. I feel like I am not going anywhere, but then I blame myself. My own walls are keeping me from moving anywhere. I trap myself in a tower of self-inflicted torture. I was in a dateing triangle that was really nerve racking, but I ended it with ease. Two women knowing that your seeing or have seen both of them, it was like a movie. I didn't intend for things to get like that, but emotions mixed, things were said, people were kissed-AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!. Now I feel like I have no one. Irony and FATE, those bastards messing with peoples lives again. Why do they have to pick on me. On a up note my family did have the Halloween party. It was pretty good, people were there, friends were there. I wish we had a better Fucking DJ. The DJ was a friend of my mom, and well he did a bad job. He didn't have any music that my friends, or I liked. Play some 80's I told him. In my head 80's means Zero Zone classics, but in the DJ's Head he played Jefferson Starship, and Long Hair 80's rock band hits. Well I managed to give him a burned CD of Zero Zone for him to play. We ran out of alcohol just in time when the music stopped. Well my costume (Goblin King) was freaken hard to get together. I had a good time seeing my friends and I THANK and LOVE you all who managed to make it. Wel now I am just here typing the pathetic life of JOHN, while I wait to join my mother for lunch.............At least I have eggrolls, and General Chow's chicken to look forward to.
Well until the stars form that tight around the belly belt,
Orion's Belt