
May 27, 2009 14:30

I went to the courthouse today to argue about my speeding ticket; things didn't go as well as I expected. I had to listen to five worthless pukes try to justify their DUI's and underage drinking. The surprising thing was that the judge was kind enough to not revoke their licenses and just reduce their fine only if they take a program (really). But as for me, the judge offered to reduce my fine by $20 (a total of $216) and I would still lose the six points from the ticket (oh and suspend my license for 40 days). I decided to take it to pre-trial to see if I can argue this further.

How do kids with shit for brains manage to get a more lenient penalty but I take a blow to the gut? Worst part of all, these kids were laughing, knowing that they would get this type of deal. I knew it was going to happen; it sucks knowing. Want to teach these kids a lesson about underage drinking? We should either shoot them in the leg or take away a finger. Yeah that works.
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