Mar 05, 2004 15:17
In case yous guys din't know, today is Whitney and i's 1 month anniversary!!! I know i'm updating really early, but tonight i'll be gone somewhere, so here goes it!
My Ecstasy:
Wow a whole month, it seems like a day,
When i recollect, there is no possible way,
All this must be a dream, and a good one at that,
This beautiful maid, adorned with a hat
Dare i say it is real, when i look in your face,
Could these feelings be real?
That take me all over the place?
Yes! They must be!
For i feel them in me, should i contain them,
Or set them free?
I love you dear Whitney, All from the start
I adore Ms.Aretz, from the bottom of my heart!!
By:Mr.Salt For:Ms:Pepper
As i mentioned, i love you, Whitney! I consider you a part of my family, and my family comes first, besides GOD, of course!