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Aug 11, 2009 08:28

Haven't updated for a while. This is partly because Pat was up to visit for about 4 days, partly because I've had things going on, and partly because I worked some overtime this week and I've been catching up on sleep as a result.

So I walked in the door at work last night and weighed in at 245.8 pounds. I forget when exactly we weighed in the first day, but it was less than a month ago and I was 265.6 that day, so I'm down 19.8 pounds so far! I can really tell I'm lighter, Jossie says I look a lot skinnier, and were it not for my suspenders, my pants would literally fall off of me.

Last night we calculated my daily work "lunch" at just under 400 calories (it was like 370 or so) and my daily work "breakfast" at right around 200 calories (it varies from day to day depending on what fruits I bring in) so I'm under 700 calories for my work meals, and those are two of my three meals daily. Translation: even if I'm completely destroying dinner to the tune of 1,000 calories (which I'm not) I'm under 1,500 calories per day, which is excellent. I'm also seriously restricting my salt intake, I'm drinking probably a minimum of a gallon of water a day and working out a minimum of 6 times a week (and I'm talking hard workouts, where I'm drenched in sweat when I finish) so the pounds are just flying off of me, and my body is becoming much more toned. Jossie has been a huge help supporting me throughout as well.

My goal is to hit the mid 230s before September 1 when we weigh out and see who wins (we are doing this shift by shift, so my efforts are contributing to the graveyard shift total...my co-worker Heather is also DESTROYING this competition to the point where the two of us combined are almost unbeatable since we are going on percentage lost). My long term goal is to one day go below 200 pounds. That will take a LONG time, but I am confident I can get there. I love how I feel right now, and it only makes me want to keep going.


I have two incredibly underdeveloped theories to post. The first is that we have Richard Nixon to thank for the hawt mess known as the Barrack Obama administration. It works out roughly like this: Richard Nixon was a great at foreign relations, but his legacy domestically was borderline catastrophic, the aftermath of which allowed Jimmy Carter to get elected when he never would have otherwise been able to even get on a ballot. Jimmy Carter was so inept and terrible that the country went the complete opposite direction in 1980 electing the ultra-conservative Ronald Reagan, again enabling a man to get elected who otherwise probably never gets on a ballot. Reagan did 8 years and handed things off to Bush Sr. for essentially years 9-12, at which point we had had enough and elected Clinton...barely. Clinton's personal problems allowed Bush Jr. to sneak in and he basically served as years 13-20 of the Reagan administration, and Bush Jr. was so of the charts on the conservative side that the country reversed itself big time and elected Barrack Obama, which let's face it, never would have happened had Bush been even remotely capable.

The second is that the Thriller album killed Michael Jackson. If you look at pictures and video of him before Thriller, during the days of making it and then immediately after it was released, he smiled all the time, had sensible wardrobe choices (sort of) and never wore sun glasses in public. But once Thriller blew the fusk up, Michael went from really famous singer to the most famous person on Earth, probably ever. Had he just been a fringe famous singer for his entire career, he probably could have worked through his personal demons much less in the public spotlight, but IMO the fact that he was literally never left alone ever ratcheted up his demons exponentially, and he appears to have literally cracked from it all and reverted back to a ten year old, gone completely nuts in his personal life, and all this directly led to his lifestyle choices that killed him. If Thriller is just another great album instead of THE album, I think Michael still has nose 2.0 and is alive today.
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