(no subject)

Nov 05, 2009 17:56

Not too much has been going on, overtly. I'm in my last week of my 4th class, current grade is a 96.8%. I'm enjoying Accounting, although I can't tell if I'm actually learning stuff or just somehow getting good grades.

I went to the Texas DMV today, which is actually called the Department of Public Services, or DPS. I briefly wondered how good their dps was, and whether or not they needed moar dots. I shall back up a bit. I first went to the DPS a few weeks ago, intending to get my Texas driver's liscence. This hasn't been much of a problem in other states, I just show up, show a couple forms of ID, and walk out two hours later with a new liscence. However, Texas isn't like that. First I had to go get my car inspected, which they didn't do there. Then I had to go to the county courthouse and get the car registered in Texas, which required the original title, which Mom still had. So she sent that to me, I got it and re-registered my car. Then I went back to the dps only to find out they want the *original* birth certificate, not a photocopy or even a certified copy from the State. So Mom sends me the original one, I got it and I walk in today. I filled out a form, showed all the IDs and stuff, got my picture taken, they took my old liscence and... gave me a card. That said "Temporary liscence". The real one is coming in the mail in 3-6 weeks. I was not pleased, but I couldn't see anything that'd actually hurt me about this, so I let it slide without making a nuisance of myself. (Not sure what I could've done anyway).

Other than that, I've been playing lots of videogames since my laptop is still in the shop. I went through God of War (Devil May Cry meets Greek Mythology), then played FFX-2, which I shall talk about a little later. I also applied to a few jobs, but haven't heard back. It depresses me so I avoid talking about it.

A meme from Saria!

What has surprised you the most about me (if anything) since joining my flist/"friending me"? Was anything completely unexpected or have I always fit the picture of me you have in your head?

Post this in your own journal and see how you have surprised people!

FFX-2 has a job system. Each job has a dressphere. You select Warrior, a character gains warrior-like abilities (high attack, low magic, big sword, etc). She also looks like a warrior, with armor and stuff. Hence the "dress". Some have called it Final Fantasy Pretty Pretty Princess Dress-Me-Up, but I happen to love the job system, and costume changes have traditionally been a part of it. (Plus I think Yuna's hot). When I first got the game I played through from start to finish but missed a few things, including the last dressphere, Mascot. I then started a New Game Plus, which starts you at level 1 but carries over everything else, including dresspheres, items, accessories, and abilities. Nothing like unleashing a Blizzaga on the boss that gives you the Black Mage dressphere. On my second playthrough I tried going for the things I'd missed, specifically Mascot, but I couldn't get it because the optional bosses were too tough.

Fast forward to now. I start my third game with the express intent of getting Mascot (and going through the storyline, which I consider to be very moving). I eventually got to the point where only the two optional bosses stood in my way: Executioner and Angra Mainyu. Executioner didn't worry me too much, but Angra Mainyu... basically the Emerald WEAPON of X-2.

Angra Mainyu, a boss in three parts. Main body, 333,444 HP. Yes, 333 thousand hit points. Each arm, 7,000 HP. One arm does Bad Breath (yes, every status effect possible, yes, includes Confuse) and hits for solid physical damage. Other arm drains your MP, casts random -ga spells, and does a stacking debuff on your party. Angra Mainyu will use Full-Life to restore an arm if it's down. If no arm is down, it'll do one of the following:
Dispel (removes any shields or buffs on a single character)
Flare (9999 damage, but he won't cast it if everyone has Reflect)
Perdition's Flame (physical damage spell, does 3-5,000 damage on each party member)

I had Rikku set as a Alchemist, which gave her a boost to using items, and had Yuna and Paine be Dark Knights. DKs can use Darkness, which hits all enemies for major damage, but takes 10% off your current HP. I gave everyone a Zero MP Cost accessory, which also works as Zero HP Cost, meaning I get free Darknesses. Rikku used items to keep everyone Protect, Shell, and Reflect-ed. I pulled some strings to quadruple my character's HP, which brought them up to 5-6k, meaning Perdition's Flame usually wouldn't kill all of them). Slap on my one Ribbon and I'm good to go.

So I started the battle. After a couple Game Overs I managed to get everyone buffed and shielded and rolling out the Darknesses. At the start of the battle they were doing about 1400 damage. AN HOUR LATER he still wasn't dead and they were doing less than 500. The stacking debuff was wearing me down. Death wouldn't resolve it. Finally I gave up in disgust and let him kill me.

This morning I woke up and thought "Hmmm, I could just give up, or I could try something else. What do I do when a boss isn't dying?" And the answer came to me, clear as day. "Why, shove an Ultima or three down its throat". So I dusted off my Black Mage dresspheres and started up. Thing was, Angra Mainyu got pissed and *opened* with Perdition's Flame four times in a row. Three times I died right off, the fourth time one character survived. I managed to fight back from that into my Alchemist-Black Mage-Black Mage dream team. BM's HP was lower, which meant that Perdition's Flame would pretty much kill my mages, but whereas Darkness was doing 1.5k, Ultima was hitting 9999 constantly. So it became a race to see what'd happen first: I'd Ultima-kill Angra Mainyu, or it'd get in a lucky rez and Perdition's Flame me to death. Twice more it managed to raise an arm and cast Perdition's Flame, and twice more I rallyed back from two characters dead and one critical. And at last VICTORY WAS MINE!

That left only the Executioner. But first I had to do a digging minigame. It took two hours of nothing but digging, but eventually I got enough parts to unlock the most powerful level of Executioner. Taking a page from my last battle, I had two black mages and an alchemist, and intended to go with Flare this time around (single target). However, taking a page from my last battle, the boss opened up with his party-wide sure-kill ability, which took out the mages. I rallyed back again, with more difficulty and pure luck this time, and survived long enough to slam a handful of Flares at it. VICTORY WAS MINE!

So now I have the final dressphere, Mascot. Yuna's dressed as a moogle, Rikku's dressed as Cait Sith, and Paine's dressed as a Tonberry. Their strength is slightly lower than Berserker and Dark Knight, their magic is slightly lower than the Mages, but overall they're easily the most powerful job class. I'm gonna enjoy finishing the game with them.
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