Okay, how many of you wonderful individuals have run across situations like this? You're sitting in front of your computer, reading what you hope to be some great, smexy slash. Got your favorite drink in hand, and your eyes just begin to scan the fruitful beginnings of your goal
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....And still, my momma taught me better then that. I'd rather have the raw descriptors then to have to endure a flowery love scene, torn apart by the ravages of mis-used colourful metaphors.
In their own way, "fuck" and "ass" are quite brilliant ephamisms. They're so direct, they just stab the eyes. You can't imagine them away. Where is the ass, exactly? Is it the rectum? The anus? The glutius minimus? Maximus?
And, in their own way, they show the maturity of all involved. "I can't think up any better, so I'm gonna use this."
Have we degraded so much that "fucking" is better then "making love?" You can't "take" someone enough, so you gotta "fuck" 'um?
I'm not saying we should rip these words out of every story. They *belong* in quite a few, I'm sure. But there are more where they could stand to be replaced. No, don't purple prose it. That would certainly be worse.
I just want people to stop using verbal crutches like these and use some *decent* descriptors.
I'd rather read nothing at all then to be forced to endure a lack-luster "fuck-fest" or purple-prose innuendos. Don't "fuck" me, romance me.
(*Respectful bow* Please excuse me if I've responded too harshly. I'm a little passionate about this subject.)
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