I tried out
TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
originalturbo are close by:
- rivetmike, steve_a23, uvpaladin, bezerkangel (100 - 150)
- luger_, supergoth, ladykomachi, rotersand, elezium, kweilo, taryn_vee (150 - 200)
- pitchblackevent, myke_minstar, benson_reaper, gfreak, indusbitch, corpsie, flidcania, two_brains, nicklocking, odin_trollsbane, cutmore, graven_fury (200 - 250)
- alasdair, empty_husk, zeibura_kathau, jinx_lbc, purplestuart, psycho_smurf, tintintin, cybersquish, shiftplusone, pinkshifter, lotk, evil_nice, hazejam, nadriel, scarlet_hel, assisted, darknessbeckons, dj_steve_rbn (250 - 300)
- damnu2hell, sweetcyanide, wiccabird, the_devilsbitch, ange1_grace, scouse, sinmara, kgoth, vikinghugs, rabiddan, jamie_boy, ahura_mazda (300 - 350)
- djsynne, wackybutton, avaragariel, haloj, sheepytim, kesblondie, djrex, technosquish, omniscient_1, nibber, missyk8, harlotqueen, ollyb, andybsc, runebinder, johnnyboy41, galadkria (350 - 400)
- cheetara32, angelalyce, thepussykat, latin_vampire, cdpurplelady, keeffinnan, flux_omega, papamoomin, damis, industrialgod, synthclarion, rubberwench, chaospigeon, combichrist, dave180182, dredd_bob, djmothra, dichotomy_queen, skinfitz, scratchmeharder, bodphrah (400 - 450)
- cython, mad_woody, crash_dark, oswaldcrowlius, gothicbarbiecat, ravensloft, metalfiend, meretrix79, _mauler_ (450 - 500)
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TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends