
Mar 25, 2008 08:47

So, how about a real update for once in forever, huh?

So, the day before yesterday (I think) I saw my parents. My mother wanted to give me an Easter present. I was caught a little off guard by it, but it was nice to see them. My mom said she wanted to go out to eat. Johnny was invited, but wasn't feeling well. So, it was just my parents and me. We went to the Socorro Springs (Brew Pub) and I had a yummy chicken pizza (Go El Blanco!). After that, my parents wanted to hit the Walmart here. Don't know why, but they did. ^_^

We walked around grabbing things my mother wanted and then we ended up in the Gardening section. My mom asked how my garden was doing and I told her that everything but the garlic died. T_T The very last frost of the season ate them earlier. So, she wanted to buy me a plant. So we wandered around, seeing what they had. I ended up choosing a small rose-bush after a while (not my first choice, but it's all they had and it would've killed her if I didn't choose something).

While we were choosing plants, I felt something funny telling me to look at the plants behind me. So, I look over there and what do I see? There, sitting under the plants is a soggy, muddy five dollar bill. Naturally, I pick it up, right? Yeah. I fish it out from under there with a kite (they got kites for my nephews) and look at it. I then take it over to my mother and ask her what I should do. It generally doesn't sit well with me to keep something that was obviously lost. But, it's not like I can really turn it in to someone, can I? So, my mom says, "Pray on it and see what you think." She's big on praying for help. Me....not really.

My mother says I have this great connection to God. She's seen how lucky I can be and how, when I do what my gut tells me, things turn out well. If I was certain there was a God, I might agree, but I'm really not so sure. I'm pretty agnostic. I prefer to believe in the Wind, personally. ^_^

Anyway, I digress...
So, after wondering, my dad comes by and I ask him the same thing. He says, "Woohoo!" and does a little dance. ^_^ He said I should stick it in my pocket and dance. I love my parents.

Anyway, after a little deliberation, I look at where I found the money and it turns out it was under the Spanish Broom (it's a plant) that I've been wanting for a while (I didn't really notice it before). And the price? $5.

So I bought that and was happy.

The end.


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