Larkenia's Flaws -- Prompts Table for 50episodes

Jan 06, 2008 23:32

This is more for my own reference than anything else. I doubt I'll do much "officially" for the challenge, since that seems like an obnoxious amount of cross-posting (more so than I already do). But the prompts seem interesting, all the same.


Table of teh promptness

001. Autumn.
002. Spring.
003. Summer.
004. Winter.
005. Amused.

006. Balance.
007. Betrayal.
008. Bunnies.
009. Cemetery.
010. Chocolate.

011. Cranky.
012. Curious.
013. Decisions.
014. Destiny.
015. First Glance.

016. Love.
017. Lust.
018. Energetic.
019. Famous.
020. Fight.

021. Flame.
022. Found.
023. Lost.
024. Frustrated.
025. Giggly.

026. Gun.
027. Knife.
028. Heartache.
029. Justice.
030. Leather.

031. Education.
032. Lessons.
033. School.
034. Teacher.
035. Encounter.

036. Naughty.
037. Monsters.
038. Movie Night.
039. Need.
040. Otherworld.

041. Peaceful.
042. Promise.
043. Ritual.
044. Silk Sheets.
045. Sinful.

046. Skating.
047. Years.
048. Space.
049. Toys.
050. Watching the Clock.

challenge: claims table, original: larkenia's flaws

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