Title: “Obsessing Over Your Empathetic Masturbation”
Series: Larkenia's Flaws
Characters: Daryene, Ysilde
Prompts: Dream ((for
paliphrase)); Drive ((for
fic_15)); 38. Touch ((for
Rating: PG-13 (slight gore)
Word Count: 139
Previous Installments: Summaries and Timeline:
here; Archives:
Notes: I was just dancing around with words, late at night, in a coffee house. I'm not sure where this will go, but it was a fun exploration of prompts. Take it for what you will.
Headlights pierce you up ahead, slinking through your fabric of flesh and ending with your head ricocheting off gentle turf. Rolling, echoing into a moisture-ridden slowing down of space.
You're laying down, my blonde hair obscuring the body that doesn't reside after the arching gallows of your neck. My brown eyes slip lower, body ejected from the car, phantasmagorically sliding through the crunching metal of the incomplete vehicle, and slithering to your side.
Dark eyes stare wide, face frozen with the crimson paint that slips along your broken cranium; sanguinity joins the thick juices sludging inside dark, spikey hair, creeping down from your skull to render the portrait of my love for you.
You taste like copper, dilated eyes straining for the heavens, longing to escape my embrace- the touch that seeks to suspend you forever, locked deep inside myself.