True Blood 3.01 Reaction Post

Jun 16, 2010 19:56

So I just got around to watching the season premiere of True Blood last night. I wanted to wait until I could watch it with my wife, so it took us a few days to coordinate. But OMFG, I'm so geeked about it! So, I thought I'd make a reaction post (even though I don't normally do these).

- "Conscious off. Dick on." That's my new pep talk for myself. After all, it worked for Jason, right? Oh....right.....

- When the girls Jason eventually tried to sleep with mentioned New York College, I turned to my wife and squeed that the murder mystery I'm reading takes place there.

- Oh Tara, no. *hugs her and tries to convince her to put down the pill bottles*

- Have I mentioned lately that I love the Queen? And Eric, and Pam, and Jessica, and Lafayette, and oh True Blood, I've missed you!

- Terry will be such a cute dad!

- I wanted Andy to give Jason the same pep talk that Terry gave to him. Still, "conscious off, dick on," does have a certain rhythm to it.

- OMGWTFKICKASS! Sam's dream about Bill MADE MY MONTH!!!! That pairing is so awesome.

- Oh Sam, no. If they're trying to hide from you, lying about their identity, and EVERYONE TELLS YOU TO STAY THE FUCK AWAY, no good can come from you finding your bio family.

- Lafayette, you give your aunt the what for. Never change. I MISSED YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!

- LOLOLOLOL, Jessica's victim died and wasn't vamped. I don't know why this made me so happy (after all, it must be hella traumatizing for her), but it just made me laugh. I guess because it wasn't expected, and lol dead animal under porch.

- Oh, I love Jessica/Hoyt. I want them to get back together so bad.

- For some reason I kept expecting Jessica to run to Eric for help with the dead body. IDEK why.

- LOLOL, the Queen hates being poor.

- Watch out, law enforcement. Sookie will take you fucking down.



- Fucking cliffhanger!!!!!!!

Oh True Blood, I love you.

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth. It has
comments there.

medium: reaction, fandom: true blood

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