IRL: Concert Time!

May 05, 2010 00:14

I just got back from seeing Paramore in concert. I ended up right in front of the speakers, but I was also only a few feet from the stage. So on the one hand, I can't really hear anything right now. On the other hand, OMG HAYLEY WAS SO CLOSE!!!

I went with my wife and my sister, and out of the three of us, I was the only one jumping, and singing, and screaming, and waving. Did I mention how close I was to Hayley? Cause yeah, I was close. And she was so hot tonight. Rawr!

Now to wait until my ears stop ringing. Maybe I'll do some writing, while I wait. Also, thanks guys for all of the great comments on my 3 Wks 4 DW story! I'm so happy to know so many awesome orig!fic folks here, and seeing so many great writers and readers and people in-general almost makes me want to stay here forever, and never look back.

LJ who?

(For my LJ flist, the offer for DW invite codes still stands. It really is awesome over here.)

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth. It has
comments there.

irl: about me, fandom: misc, writing: general

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