Feb 06, 2009 11:09
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
1. (From Stormy, as she screams across the room) WHEN DO WE GET MORE SERVANTS OF THE MISTS!? Lols. To be honest, I'd thought everyone had forgotton about that story by now. ^^;; I'll see about moving it over then, but it'll probably be a few months, because I'm working on something at the moment.
2. How are you today? Getting enough oxygen? I'm pretty good. A little sleepy, since I stayed overnight at my in-laws for my niece's fifth birthday party. And, for the most part, I'm well oxygenated. I'd like to think so, at least. ^^
3. How's the pit of fandom treating you? Pretty good. Mostly because I haven't posted any fic, and have just been commenting and reviewing stuff. X_X;; But yeah, all things considered it's been good. I miss talking about fandom with people, though. I'm not very good at talking about it, and my fandom's canon is more-or-less done, so it's kinda hard to think of new things to chat about.
That's assuming we're not talking about the Pit, because I refuse to even consider thinking about going there, lols.
b) What has pleased/horrified you the most? Hm. That's a hard one. I've liked the community feel that I've seen so far. I've been happy that going to fandom has helped me to come-to-terms with some personal issues I'd been having, that've effected me in multiple ways. Some things that've horrified me have been -- really bad fanart, accidentily clicking on gore, and all of the Draco fics where he instantly mellows the minute he looks into his two wub's eyes.
4. What's up with het-fic anyway? (asked the traitor of an ex-lesbian.) Lols. I can't bring myself to read it, most of the time. Sometimes, though, the pairing is too intriguing, or I'll feel a desire to write it. Thankfully, that's not now, though. I think I'm coming-to-terms with some of my het!acceptance sides. It's something fandom has helped me with, actually. ^^;;
5. I'm moving to America at the end of the year. What are some wonderful things about your country that would put a nervous Aussie girl at ease? Dude, seriously? Awesome! What part of the country? OTOH, I'm not exactly patriotic, so perhaps I'm not the best person to ask about the merits of America. Uhm, I guess, well, aw, heck, I don't know. It's not run by Bush anymore? (Not that I'm convinced that Obama will be much better, but still...)
BONUS QUESTION: My flatmate just made this vegan eggplant pizza, but I'm allergic to eggplant. Would you like it instead? (I can mail it to you by the end of the day.) Lols -- eggplant pizza sounds so good. I'm sure it'd be hard as a rock by the time that it got to me, lols, but I'd STILL keep it. Just to take some epic pictures with my mail-order pizza, lols.
fandom: general,
activism: politics,
irl: about me,
medium: meme,
original: servants of the mists